All good ball strikers have a common denominator, at impact they deliver the club in a way that allows them to contact the ball before the ground. I cannot think of a player that does it another way successfully, although they often have very different swing motions. Think of Jim Furyk or Matt…
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Junior Golf Academy
Next Level Junior Academy at Los Rios is a great way to get your beginning golfer started or to keep your...
Use the ground for power
[embedplusvideo height="296" width="474" editlink="" standard="" vars="ytid=sYmirjWuGdQ&width=474&height=296&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=1&autoplay=0&react=0&chapters=¬es=&lean=1" id="ep6995" /] I have recently had a few students asking about ground reaction force...
Putting mechanics or fundamentals should be looked at with two skill sets in mind. To start the ball on your...
“I hit my driver too far and too straight” said no one ever.
If you have ever had your swing measured on a radar like Trackman you probably know a little bit about...
Junior Golf Camps
Sign up for a spring break camp at Los Rios in Plano today. [Form id="3"]
Two ways to train
Most people tend to practice what they are already good at more than what they need to improve. Think for...